Employee motivation

Everything you need to boost team morale and build a happy team

The ultimate guide to end of year reviews

Remember - this is not a performance review meeting.

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How to motivate remote employees: Ultimate guide

Beer pong and free food does not motivate employees. This does.

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Anonymous employee feedback is never a good idea

Anonymous employee feedback builds bad team culture

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Kaapi's 101 guide to thrive in remote work

Working remotely is a superpower; not a roadblock.

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Only intrinsic motivation lasts

Whenever someone asks me about ideas to increase employee morale, I usually give them one simple answer. Stop trying fancy things! You might think that you can motivate your team by giving them rewards, or badges or extra bonus money - but you would be wrong. Such things are nothing but a short term band-aid to the real problem.

There is an entire industry out there called "Employee rewards & recognition" that is focused on gamifying this entire process. I know it's a personal opinion but I don't think that stuff works.

So how do you motivate employees then?

Human beings are only truly motivated by their own personal careers and ambitions. You should try your best to understand their life aspirations and help them fit those into your team. I have written about this topic extensively in our guide to motivate employees here.

Signs of low employee morale

Once again, I don't recommend that you go crazy analysing signals of low morale & motivation! But there are certain things which are sure to lead to such circumstances and they include:

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